Wednesday, 11 March 2015

New dual Paradigm Black Holes as Herbig Haro Hotspots

Dual splitting and Pairing , charge splitting new pardigm black holes and the formation of mysterious Herbig Haro objects, galaxies and star clusters 

The NEW Plasma Creating Electric Black Hole versus the Hawking Black Hole, according to Quantum FFF Theory, the origin of Comet - Sunspot –BL mysteries. (BL= Ball Lightning)

I think that Hawking did not calculate with the possibility of a chiral oscillating Higgs field vacuum lattice combined with propeller shaped Fermions. Electrons and positrons  both pushed away from the BH horizon at different distances, forming TWO different charged separated  spheres. With quark ( plasma) formation in between.
 WHY is this possible?
ONLY if the oscillating Higgs vacuum Lattice (tetrahedral shaped) has a preferred chirality. So in our MATERIAL universe, all the Planck lattices ( the edges of the tetrahedrons) FORM A LEFT HANDED SPIRAL. As a result all neutrinos are left handed! because the neutrino information travels  in the form of an Higgs oscillation along these edges.

At the same time, positrons must have a preferred spin (OLO left=L) they catch a Gluon to form a u-quark ( OLO+ROR) which is better protected for the aggressive oscillations of the left handed Higgs field than an electron ORO combined with the mirror Gluon LOL forming a right handed anti- d-Quark!
 So New Black Holes are CHARGE SPLITTERS vi  olating the 2e law, combined with a micro big bang plasma creation process! 
SO: Quantum fluctuations around the BH horizon produce pairs of leptons. e-,e+ and even compound quarks (d,u, etc, see Fermion 3D string propeller theory: Fermion repelling by Lorentz polarized spin flip).  ( see also Vixra "mass in motion")
For tripple BH horizons see image nrs 7, 10 and 11.  Event horizon=7, Inner photon ring = 10, Outer photon ring = 11.
Conclusion The Big Bang did not produce instantly all the Fermions in the universes. Even now lots of Fermions are produced- in the form of negative charged plasma- by all BHs (see ball lightning) even the largest primordial Big bang splinters located outside large galaxies. see also: image225, and 
Parity and Chirality as a Base for Quark-Gluon Plasma Creating and Charge Splitting Black Holes.