
Tuesday 5 April 2011


Breaking news as a support for Quantum FFF theory: 7 october 2011.
The news from Dublin is that Edward Witten will be in town soon to give the Hamilton Lecture, with the Irish Times reporting that Witten’s Hamilton Lecture will abandon string theory, however, in favour of knots, with a talk entitled: The Quantum Theory of Knots.
Witten describes knot theory as being able to delve into the deep recesses of mathematical research but also as something that can be explained in “down-to- earth terms that everyone can understand”.

News: 24 may 2011: First Observation of the Dynamical Casimir Effect
The vacuum of space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence."


Quantum FFF theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating massless Higgs particles, oscillating along a complex chiral tetrahedral vacuum lattice with the Planck scale.
The vacuum lattice has the ability to transfer Photon/Gluon/Neutrino and Graviton FORM information in bunches of Higgs oscillations with the local speed of light.
The massless Higgs particles are supposed to be the driving force of all propeller shaped Fermions by scattering processes and give Fermions a double axed spin.
The first Fermion propeller spin axis is supposed to point into the direction of absolute motion through the vacuum lattice to compensate for the net-resistance of the vacuum lattice. (resulting into the Davies/Unruh effect)
The second axis of Fermion spin is supposed to be aligned with the Magnetic poles of the Fermion radiating two different kinds of magnetic monopole photons.
The Graviton and Electric photon radiation is supposed to radiate with an equatorial distribution to the second spin axis.

As a FIRST consequence there are no attraction forces on Fermions in the universe.
Gravity seems to be the result of two different impulse arrays: the massless Higgs impulse array and the (less effective) massless Graviton impulse array. (Higgs is the Dark Energy Particle)
So we may call this system "GRAVITY DUALITY"

As a SECOND consequence, Black holes suffer only from Higgs impulses and NO gravitons can escape the black hole. The Black hole nucleus is supposed to be a super dense knot of Higgs particles, which act as Dark Matter particles inside a Dark Matter Black Hole.
Only the statistical sum of the different kinds of Higgs-Photon vacuum impulses from all directions on Fermions are responsible for all energetic phenomena in the universe.

As a THIRD consequence, All Fermion and Photon particles are supposed to be entangled for all wavefunction collapses by a new form of entanglement between at least TWO copy Multiverses.
This Multiversal entanglement can be called Consciousness. Intelligent systems seems have a retardation system for the entanglement process of wavefunction collapse, which is able to produce human responsibility and human moral.

Higgs Dark Matter Black Hole, Higgs Dark Matter Particle, Higgs Dark Energy Particle,

How is the mainstream struggeling with this subject?
What ideas do they dream up? see some examples below.

BV-BRST formalism, gnarly problems in physics, brane, conformal field theory, AQFT, quantum field theory, FQFT, smooth Lorentzian space, physicscontents, topological T-duality, T-duality, AKSZ sigma-model, sigma-model, GUT, string theory, Northwestern TFT Conference 2009, higher category theory and physics, string field theory, path integral, Quantization as a Kan Extension, Dijkgraaf-Witten theory, 2009 May changes, orientifold, Green-Schwarz mechanism, FFRS-formalism, topological quantum field theory, quantum anomaly, QFT with defects, 2009 July changes, gauge theory, electromagnetism, electromagnetic field, Kalb-Ramond field, electric charge, magnetic charge, field strength, Yang-Mills theory, Yang-Mills field, integrable system, quantization, geometric quantization, BPS state, extended topological quantum field theory, classical physics, classical mechanics, D'Auria-Fre formulation of supergravity, supergravity, classical field theory, Supergravity and Superstrings - A Geometric Perspective, Poisson sigma-model, quantum mechanics, action functional, supersymmetry, Lagrangian, Euler-Lagrange equation, Jordan algebra, Chern-Simons theory, quantum harmonic oscillator, perturbation theory, renormalization, Hamiltonian, gravity, gravity as a BF theory, first-order formulation of gravity, Plebanski formulation of gravity, landscape of string theory vacua, Hamiltonian mechanics, multisymplectic geometry, classical limit, thermodynamics, dilaton, Bell's theorem, Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem, Dyson formula, gauge fixing, target space, S-duality, net of C-star-systems, applications of (higher) category theory, conformal net, infinity-Chern-Simons theory - contents, Haag-Kastler axioms, Topological Quantum Field Theories from Compact Lie Groups, entanglement, Wightman axioms, quantum operation, modular theory, supersymmetric quantum mechanics, Bisognano-Wichmann theorem, topological Yang-Mills theory, density matrix, quantum information, hermitian matrix, Maslov index, Wick rotation, Osterwalder-Schrader theorem, superselection theory, finite quantum mechanics in terms of dagger-compact categories, Geometric and topological structures related to M-branes, Stokes phenomenon, optics, deformation quantization, extremal quantum channel, graphical quantum channel, quantum state, Kerr spacetime, closed time-like curve, standard model of particle physics, observable, phase space, mathematical physics, transgression, The Dirac Electron, variational calculus, DHR category, Gleason's theorem, books and reviews in mathematical physics, special relativity, Kochen-Specker theorem, spin-statistics theorem, perturbative quantum field theory, Reeh-Schlieder theorem, general relativity, 2d TQFT, A-model, B-model, state, Fell's theorem, no-go theorem, black hole, fermion, boson, gauge group, Dirac charge quantization and generalized differential cohomology, conserved current, AdS-CFT, Courant sigma-model, Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, generalized second law of thermodynamics, phenomenology, Wess-Zumino-Witten model, Schwarzschild spacetime, 11-dimensional supergravity, kilogram, dual heterotic string theory, variational bicomplex, Calabi-Yau object, parallel transport, quantum gravity, Einstein-Hilbert action, Avogadro constant, loop groupoid, Kaluza-Klein mechanism, Chern-Simons element, gauge transformation, gravitino, graviton, BF-theory, cosmological constant, SCFT, electric-magnetic duality, quantization via the A-model, holographic principle, Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields, quantum electrodynamics, relativistic particle, Green-Schwarz action functional, Stone-von Neumann theorem, mechanical system, Yetter model, superparticle, Landau-Ginzburg model, second quantization, heterotic string theory, kinematics and dynamics, S-matrix, Vladimir Turaev, Chern-Simons gravity, Haag's theorem, causal locality, string, sewing constraint, photon, time slice axiom, charge, picture of mechanics, path integral as a pull-push transform, Noether's theorem, reductions deformations resolutions in physics, spinning particle, Peierls bracket, Mathematical Topics Between Classical and Quantum Mechanics, Renormalization and Effective Field Theory, configuration space, effective quantum field theory, Quantization of Gauge Systems, Noether identities, gaugino, Bohr topos, Gruppenpest, gluon, gauge boson, Three Roles of Quantum Field Theory, fermionic path integral, worldvolume, background gauge field, particle, timelike curve, Lorentz force, Nambu-Goto action, differential T-duality, Einstein equation, fundamental particle, superstring, Fermi theory of beta decay, Quantum Fields and Strings, second law of thermodynamics, Cauchy surface, self-dual higher gauge theory, what to contribute, mechanics, QCD, Dirac interaction picture, classical state, Jordan-Lie-Banach algebra, Local Quantum Physics -- Fields, Particles, Algebras, spinning string, supersymmetry and Calabi-Yau manifolds, spontaneously broken symmetry, sigma-model -- exposition of classical sigma-models, sigma-model -- exposition of higher gauge theories as sigma-models, sigma-model -- exposition of quantum sigma-models, sigma-model -- exposition of a general abstract formulation, sigma-model -- exposition of second quantization of sigma-models, 4-dimensional supergravity, black brane, higher dimensional Chern-Simons theory, c-theorem, contents of contents, hole argument, Kapustin-Witten TQFT, instanton, 3-dimensional supergravity, Yang-Mills instanton, moment of inertia, Characteristic forms and geometric invariants, Yang-Mills instanton Floer homology, vacuum, 6d (2,0)-supersymmetric QFT, universality class, Geometric Algebra, rigid body dynamics, angular momentum, angular velocity, Euler-Arnold equation, Foundations of Mechanics, Hamiltonian dynamics on Lie groups, 3d quantum gravity, symplectic infinity-groupoid, geometric quantization of symplectic groupoids, ABJM theory, Seiberg duality, effective action functional, collective field theory, false vacuum, flux, higher spin gauge theory, super Yang-Mills theory, 7-dimensional supergravity, N=4 D=4 super Yang-Mills theory, gauged supergravity, higher gauge field, physics resources, higher dimensional WZW model, 1-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, 4d WZW model, quantum lattice system, minimal coupling, Kirchhoff's laws, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, on-shell recursion, p-adic physics, quantum observable, coset WZW model, 1d WZW model, quantum hadrodynamics, braid group statistics, higher electric background charge coupling, M-theory on G2-manifolds, infinite-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, observable universe, N=2 D=4 super Yang-Mills theory, N=4 D=3 super Yang-Mills theory, teleparallel gravity, thermodynamic limit, Planck's constant, general covariance, quantum cosmology, technicolor, string phenomenology, Higgs field, The Geometry of Physics - An Introduction, Maxwell's equations, Harmonic oscillator, KLT relations, AGT correspondence, C-star algebraic deformation quantization, Dirac charge quantization, instanton in QCD, G2-MSSM, MSSM, cosmology, scattering amplitude, Turaev-Viro model, standard model of cosmology, open/closed string duality, model (in theoretical physics), particle physics, string theory results applied elsewhere, twistor string theory, quark-gluon plasma, cosmic inflation, Einstein-Maxwell theory, cosmic microwave background radiation, geometric quantization by push-forward, higher gauge transformation, Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, geometry of physics, matter, Liouville integrable system, Levin-Wen model, QFT on non-commutative spacetime, MOND, BPTS-instanton, nuclear force, superposition, Aharonov-Bohm effect, ghost field, duality in physics, electromagnetic potential, continuum mechanics, 5d Chern-Simons theory, self-dual Yang-Mills theory, electromagnetic field strength, geometric quantization.