
Sunday 6 December 2009

A SWARM Of Black Holes Near The Galactic Center, NO MONSTER BLACK HOLE !

A Swarm Of Black Holes Near The Galactic supermassive MONSTER black hole in the Center!

"An ongoing Chandra program that monitors a region around the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) found four bright, variable X-ray sources (circles)  EVEN WITHIN 3 light years of Sgr A*"!
"Although the region around Sgr A* is crowded with stars, we expected that there was only a 20 percent chance that we would find even one X-ray binary within a three-light-year radius," said Muno. "The observed high concentration of these sources implies that a huge number of black holes and neutron stars have gathered in the center of the Galaxy."

HOW CLOSE TO THE MONSTER BLACK HOLE CAN SUCH SMALL STELLAR MASS BHS EXIST before they are eaten by the monster, 3 lightyears?


Thursday 15 October 2009

New paradigm Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) outside Galaxies, the origine of dark matter Halos with point sources.

What is the reason that massive galaxies and colossal black holes where formed in the early universe?
The origin must be that the big bang could be compared with the “splitting” of the colossal Big Crunch black hole, as remnant of the contracting former raspberry multiverse.

See the CPT symmetric Big Bang splitting

See also recent astronomical evidences:

Massive Galaxies Formed When Universe Was Young, New Findings Suggest

Colossal Black Holes Common In Early Universe, Spectacular Galactic Collision Suggests

This Hubble Space Telescope composite image shows a ghostly ring of "dark matter point sources"in the galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17.

Why is this dark matter speroid, shaped like a rugby ball (prolate) and not like a grape fruit (oblate)? see:
Related to the sketch above:
The distance between opposing MONSTER Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) is supposed to be not the same inside the more complex merger galaxies.
Related to the sketch above:
Just in between the so called Galaxy Anchor Black holes (GABHs)  located at opposing sides of the galaxies (1), special vacuum structure at location (2) coined: WHITE OR GREY HOLE, is the origin of "vacuum pressure" on Fermions to clump together and form the Galaxy.
As a result most gas is concentrated in the galaxy by vacuum pressure or "Casimir force"
However IF TWO OR MORE GALAXY ANCHOR BLACK HOLES are located at the same side of the spiral galaxy, then also at location (1); around these GABHs and also at location (15): just in between these BHs a special vacuum structure are supposed to be the origin of gas concentration and the origine of DWARF ( SPHEROIDAL) GALAXIES and Globular clusters.
.LARGE SCALE CASIMIR FORCES (Higgs qantum curves) AROUND TWO BLACK HOLES, kept at a stable distance by the ( Herbig Haro) electron jets.
(double click for enlargement)

An other perfect example of Galaxy external black hole action.

"Black hole caught zapping galaxy into existence?"
ESO 46/09 - Science Release, 30 November 2009
(quote) says Knud Jahnke, who led the observations performed at the VLT. “However, we did not find any. (galaxies around the quasar) Instead we discovered that an apparently unrelated galaxy in the quasar’s immediate neighbourhood is producing stars at a frantic rate.”
These observations have provided a surprising new take on the system. While no trace of stars is revealed around the black hole, (the QUASAR) its companion galaxy is extremely rich in bright and very young stars. It is forming stars at a rate equivalent to about 350 Suns per year, one hundred times more than rates for typical galaxies in the local Universe.

Earlier observations had shown that the companion galaxy is, in fact, under fire: the quasar is spewing a jet of highly energetic particles towards its companion, accompanied by a stream of fast-moving gas. The injection of matter and energy into the galaxy indicates that the quasar itself might be inducing the formation of stars and thereby creating its own host galaxy; in such a scenario, galaxies would have evolved from clouds of gas hit by the energetic jets emerging from quasars.

See also:
Quasar induced galaxy formation: a new paradigm ?
Authors: D. Elbaz, K. Jahnke et al.

At the same time we may assume that our sun is the remnant of an open star cluster, better: our solar system is the remnant of an open star cluster created by two "STELLAR ANCHOR BLACK HOLES" (SABHs) and the result of a former Herbig Haro object!!
This NEW black hole model is even the base for my explanation of the so called pioneer anomaly. See:

As a consequence there seem to be not only stellar anchor black holes but even Galaxy anchor black holes, the base for galaxy form and ( quick) formation.

A possible indication for the influence of SOLAR anchor black holes, could be found in the next article about the evidence that the gravitational constant varies with orientation.

Experimental evidence that the gravitational constant varies

with orientation.

by Mikhail L. Gershteyn∗†, Lev I. Gershteyn†, Arkady Gershteyn†, Oleg V. Karagioz‡

see also an other support for the sun as an open star cluster remnant: "Gould's star belt"
Orion's dark secret: Violence shaped the night sky

"It is a sizeable structure, some 3000 light years across, and can be traced as a bright band of stars tilted at about 20 degrees to the Milky Way. Within it are several thousand high-mass stars as well as up to a million low-mass ones. Most importantly, these stars appear to have formed separately from the rest of the stars in the galaxy - and that's what makes them so interesting.

"Gould's belt is not part of the spiral structure," says Fernando Comerón of the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany, who has been studying the belt for more than 30 years. "It must have been triggered by some local, violent event." But what caused that event?"

Additional message:

Surprize: Quasars don't show redshift variation related to our distance!

Supernovae show this "time dilation" in the speed at which they fade - far-off explosions seem to dim more slowly than those nearby. But when Mike Hawkins of the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, UK, looked at light from quasars he found no time dilation.
Time waits for no quasar – even though it should
Newscientist, 08 April 2010 by Marcus Chown
Magazine issue 2755.

HANNY'S VOORWERP is a recent evidence of GALAXY ANCHOR BLACK HOLES. in this case near the galaxy IC 2497.
This Hubble photo reveals (by chance of the green Quasar back lighting) the existence of gas concentrations around the postulated galaxy anchor black holes.
see Hubble photo below:

Wednesday 30 September 2009

SPLITTING BLACK HOLES, the origin of Gamma Ray Bursts GRBs.

There is a Worldwide Hunt To Solve The Mystery Of Gamma-Ray Bursts.

In my opinion, CATAPULT ejection of gamma rays, could be the origin of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). How the catapult mechanism should work is presented here in simple sketches. For more details see this blog and:

Two approaching equal sized black holes are supposed not to split but originate a Herbig Haro object, often found inside star forming nebula.
However we found multiple examples, e.g. inside the EAGLE NEBULA of traces of “splitting black holes”.

We suggest that a possible splitting process should be triggered by the collision of two unequal sized black holes. The smaller black hole is supposed to be able to split the larger black hole by its concentrated electron jet and local vacuum deformation. (see figure)
The result however is that the splitting process unleashes a BURST of electrons in-between the parts of the splitted black hole which can be described as a CATAPULT ejection.
As a consequence however, this Gamma ray Burst ejection should be “one sided” in stead of the two-sided ejection as interpretation of GRBs by mainstream astronomy.
At the same time this seems a rational base for the fact that Gamma Ray bursts are so rare and able to travel well focussed over long (cosmological) distances.

Wednesday 2 September 2009


Multiple linear- curved- and double gas pillars, left behind by accelerated micro black holes (former STARpots) inside the Crab Nebula


These MICRO BHs are supposed to be former "sunspots".

They seem able to resist the stellar explosion, which is in line with the new BH paradigm.





Wednesday 26 August 2009


Why is it, that some pairing black holes form a decent pair of stable star forming SABHs (star forming HH objects) or GABHs ( Galaxy formation) and other pairing black holes do the opposite and trigger a spitting process? (as found in the Eagle nebula.)
Suggestion: decent pairing black hole pairs have the same size! Conclusion, the universe seems to be aiming to equalize black hole sizes on a local scale. (see below)


Two equal sized black holes are supposed not to split but make a Herbig Haro object.

Could we imagine the splitting of a black hole, by the "collision" of two unequal black hloles?

Is this splitting process perhaps the main origin of so called Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs)?

Then there is reason to suggest that these GRBs could be originated even inside our own Galaxy nebula. Statistically however, there seems to be no reason for an exclusive Nebula origine.

Based on statistics, it seems that the main origin of GRBs must be found on a larger scale at cosmological distances, where so called Galaxy Anchor Black holes (outside Galaxies) tend to group between merging Galaxies and approaching Galaxies inside Galaxy clusters.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Found: first left handed amino acid on a comet

"The discovery of glycine in a comet supports the idea that the fundamental building blocks of life are prevalent in space, and strengthens the argument that life in the universe may be common rather than rare," said Dr. Carl Pilcher, Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute which co-funded the research.

Found: first LEFT HANDED amino acid on a comet
New scientist,17 August 2009 by Maggie McKee see:

Left handed amino acid seems to be created inside comets like wild 2.
as a result, there is a firm reason to postulate:
1: that we need a new black hole paradigm to solve this.
2: that the vacuum seems to have chiral abilities to be responsible for the creation of only left handed amino acids.
3: that we need a new standard model of elementary particles, which is able to form atomic anti-symmetry out of symmetric vacuum Higgs particles.
If the new black hole paradigm described on this blog, include micro black holes ( equipped with a small fermion repelling horizon) as the origin of comets, then hydrogen gas and more complex amino acids, may be produced together with water molecules around its hot micro black hole nucleus.
The origin of life seems to be connected to Comets.
The origin of Comets seems to be connected stellar flares.
The so called missing mass problem of starforming regions could be solved.


The internal HEAT source of the Earth should be found in the existence of internal new paradigm black holes being the remnants of Comet nuclei, crashing into the Earth in the past, just as we have experienced by the Schoemaker-Levy 9 Comet impact on Jupiter and Sungrazer Comets into the Sun.
New paradigm black holes are supposed to have a small globular Fermion repelling horizon.
Able to stay inside the earth without consuming it and responsible for electric currents and magnetism.

The concequences of this new black hole paradigm however is:

1, that the universe is interpreted as a fully symmetrical multiverse in raspberry form with a real particle based entangled quantum system, with digital alike features.

2, that the universal vacuum is interpreted as a linear energetic oscillating particle based "space frame" in the form of an incomplete 3-D tetra/octahedron lattice, with a fixed chirality left or right for individual (sub) universes and a lattice length of the Planck Length. That the energy of all these oscillations is the origin of so called "Dark Energy" which is compensated by the negative (Dark) energy of the vacuum oscillations within the distant anti-mirror entangled Universe.

3, That the vacuum is acting on objects (quarks and Leptons) in FREE FALL in the form of mutual compensating resistance and propulsion by the vacuum, originating real Lorentz Transformations , Local Time and Inertia.

4, that the universe is created without "broken symmetry" by a 3-Dymensional semi-cold Fractal Big Bang out of a "Big Crunch Black Hole nucleus" with a finite particle content. That there is always a mirror symmetry between opposite parts (universes) of the (Raspberry shaped) globular shell of semi-cold Big Bang Fractal expansion down to the smallest sub-quantum scale.

5, that as a result, an even set of anti-COPY universes will exist, equipped with mutual so called "anti-mirror symmetry", which is present not only at the quantum level but on all levels of existence, up to humans.

6, that real Toroidal shaped unifying vacuum particles dubbed "Higgs-Virgin particles" can change shape, by mutual collision or collision with fermions into other singular particles, which are able to combine into compound quark particles like quarks or "massive" Leptons (Muon and Tau) .

7, that each elementary or vacuum particle is accompanied by its "shadow (anti) particle" for universal memory and guiding reasons. That there are indications that there is "shadow matter" on all levels of existence. (the explanation of single particle- dual slit interference experiments)

8, that the oscillating vacuum particles are the only energy source in the universe, "pushing around" all real but "complex spinning" propeller shaped particles, (Fermions).

9, that Photons are "short living" (<1 cm trajectory) single shaped particles, originated by each collision of a vacuum particle with Quarks or Leptons. After <1cm, the photon pops back as a vacuum particle, initiating a photonic information wave. Within the 1 cm boundary the photon is supposed to be able to compute and file its digital direction in the vacuum lattice, its local lightspeed based on different micro amplitudes inside the Vacuum Lattice and its polarization plane.

10, that all inertial motion of matter in the local vacuum frame is maintained on what is coined real "Lorentz polarization" of propeller shaped Quarks or Leptons. Quarks and Leptons are supposed to be rigid particles propelled by the oscillating vacuum itself. The Lorentz polarization is supposed to guide the propeller particles main axis, to overcome the vacuum frame resistance. That the local oscillating vacuum frame and the absolute speed of matter through the vacuum frame, is responsible for the jitter of Quarks or Leptons, which is responsible for local Time and Mass (real Lorentz transformations) .

11. that black hole nuclei tend to explode if they are not stabilized by enough vacuum pressure, originated by the vacuum oscillations. All black holes (young or old) "eat" or absorb the vacuum particles which originate a strong positive space frame curvation. Black Holes are supposed to be responsible for the Hubble redshift, for so called "Dark Matter" effects and for the Contraction of the Universe, which will collapse on itself.

12, that Cosmological time is supposed to be originated by the absorption of the vacuum by all black holes, which create Cosmological pulsating effects within long periods. For our Galaxy (about 13.000 years by Galaxy center explosions, suggested by P. LaViolette) and finally for the pulsation of the universal Big Bang- Big Crunch system, (by all black holes together) originating Cosmological Time.

Conclusion: The Universe is made by evaporation of the nucleus of a Giant virgin Big Crunch Black Hole and is not expanding but contracting aiming again to a Big Crunch.

For new black hole paradigms see also:
Examples of Splitting and Pairing black holes etc blog.

Leo Vuyk.

Tuesday 11 August 2009


Breaking news: 2010: First Evidence for Magnetic Field in Protostar Jet: Magnetism Common to All Cosmic Jets?
Astronomers have found the first evidence of a magnetic field in a jet of material ejected from a young star, a discovery that points toward future breakthroughs in understanding the nature of all types of cosmic jets and of the role of magnetic fields in star formation.
(End quotation)
At last, the mainstream is thinking into the right direction of new negative charged electron based jets created by double black holes located at both sides of stars Herbig haro systems and galaxies.

These former star-spots (micro black holes) are travelling to the center of the PN, they seek at least one other micro black hole and form together a new dumbbell gas concentration system.
This pairing system is supposed to be the basic origin of universal complexity via Super Nova and later Planetary Nebula,
in addition to the original Lyman Alpha distribution of gas concentrating black holes of the Big Bang Inflation epoch.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Why are early galaxies so strangely compact?

Why are early galaxies so strangely compact?
Early Galaxies show a much larger mass-star content ratio than we do inside our local universe.
Are these galaxies more massive (by more dark matter?) or does their gravity efficiency change, (by more dark energy content)

Stars in this distant galaxy, move at stunning speeds — greater than 1 million mph, astronomers have revealed. ( – Wed Aug 5, 2009,1:16 pm ET)

These hyperactive stars move at about twice the speed of our sun through the Milky Way, because their host galaxy is very massive, yet strangely compact. The scene, which has theorists baffled, is 11 billion light-years away.

Given its distance of 11 billion light-years, galaxy 1255-0 is seen as it existed 11 billion years ago, less than 3 billion years after the theoretical Big Bang.
Something wrong?
Somehow, galaxies from the young universe grow in size but not in mass– they spread out but maintain their overall heft – to become the high-mass full sized galaxies we see today.

In my perspective, there are two options:
Are these galaxies more massive (by more dark matter?) or does their gravity efficiency change, (by a larger dark energy content)
If Higgs vacuum particles are able to change into matter and radiation, then matter is concentrated space, then we may presume that the gravity efficiency is decreasing over time after the big bang, because the local dark energy content (or Higgs energy) is decreasing.
In other words, the Planck length is shorter in the early universe and the vacuum as a result is more dense and energetic in its pushing force on fermions (see double Le Sage gravity theory).
Reason to accept that the shorter Planck length is also the origin of the Hubble redshift.
As a result this is a clear support for a cyclic bouncing universe!

What is the effect of a shorter Planck length and how we could imagine spacetime effects?
In my perspective, a shorter Planck length should not influence the local time created by the oscillations of a caesium atom.
The caesium atom oscillations are supposed to be related to a fixed number of collisions with Higgs particles which are supposed to be active along the chiral 3-Dimensional vacuum lattice.
If all the Higgs oscillations in the whole universe are synchronized going up and down at the same moment, then the local time is independent of the length of the Planck trajectory length.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Small Comet production by a peculiar Solar Flare interference as a sort Birkeland effect?

For, the need for a black hole paradigm shift,
By Mario Rabinowitz, named “Black Hole Paradoxes”
See also:
NASA's Polar Spacecraft Confirms ...Small Comets are Pelting Earth,
By Louis Frank.

What goes DOWN, sometimes goes UP again.


(with The Langmuir video included)

The origin of micro Comets and Ball lightning.
(What goes DOWN sometimes goes UP)

18 years ago during heavy thunderstorm in the Netherlands, a photo camera with automatic shutter recorded strange bead lightning streaks with interesting curvature.
At the end of some streaks a fire ball was visible.
Reconstruction of the curvature of the bead lightning suggested that all the streaks should have some relation to each other and the same frequency.
See: Rigid Gluonium Knots and Ball lightning

Could it be, that electromagnetic wave interference (with the same wavelength) was responsible for this phenomenon?
The answer was YES if there was also an x-ray (or Gamma-ray) component into play.
Why do we need this x-ray phenomenon? Because not all lightning strokes produce bead lightning or fireball ball lightning.
There must be some irregular component responsible for the incidental emerging of Ball lightning and Bead lightning.
This component could be found in the recent experiment results of professor J.R.Dwyer, ( Geospace physics lab,FIT). He discovered the x-rays emission from laboratory sparks and lightning strokes.
(see: The observation of x-ray bursts produced by 1.5 MV laboratory sparks in air
Recently also M.Rahman (Upsala university Sweden) made comparable experiments: “x-rays from 80 cm long sparks in air” with x-ray emission results, see:

However, if strong electromagnetic radiation and accompanying x-rays are responsible for ball lightning, then perhaps also (larger) ball lightning effects could be found in space at places with high discharge energies like so called SPRITES and ELVES or even near the solar surface OR NEAR so called BIRKELAND currents ON EARTH.
Judge for yourselves and look at the slow-motion video of Langmuir University of sprites and elves. See under: “Sprites and Elves as the origin of small Comets and large Ball Lightnings”

What you see is the production of lots of fireballs going down and partly after a while going up again!!! Just like the solar photo presenting at least four fireballs going down and ONE going upwards!! See; “Small Comet production by Solar flare curent interference”

Sprite scientist described these fireball phenomena in conventional breakdown mechanisms of lightning strokes, such as streamers, down- and upward streamers. Only if streamers collide, then it is called a sprite bead. see: submillisecond imaging of sprite developement an structure.

All Comets, large Comets and even the smaller Sungrazers are originated as fireballs, by Solar electro magnetic field interference near to the solar surface as is shown in the photograph. Some of these Comets where able to produce or gather enough water molecules, during their journey away from the sun, to be influenced by the solar gravity field and become a more or less “Newtonian” elliptical orbit around the sun.
Ball lightning and small Comets are supposed to be produced by the interference of electromagnetic energy found inside Elves and Sprites.
Leo Vuyk.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Galaxy Cannonballs in the early universe, an example of splitting and pairing black holes

Dual black holes as the electric engine of the universe at all universal scales.
From (Cannonball) galaxies down to starforming regions, HH objects, stars, Comets and Ball lightning. see below.
see also Newscientist video on missing dwarf galaxies :

Solar Power, Internal or External?
Electric Universe proponents claim that solar radiation energy production is external not internal.

Magnetic fields play larger role in star formation than previously thought
September 9th, 2009
The simple picture of star formation calls for giant clouds of gas and dust to collapse inward due to gravity, growing denser and hotter until igniting nuclear fusion. In reality, forces other than gravity also influence the birth of stars. New research shows that cosmic magnetic fields play a more important role in star formation than previously thought.

Cannonball Galaxies in the early universe explained

Astronomers have found a new clutch of tiny, dense galaxies that thrived in the early universe. But they still can't explain why the compact objects are nowhere to be found today.
Another team found that compact galaxies were still present when the universe was almost 5 billion years old, narrowing the amount of time that such galaxies would have to puff up to present sizes. (Newscientist) see:

The solution? A new Black hole splitting Big bang paradigm described at:

Black holes equipped with a Fermion repelling horizon seem to be able to pair and stay concentrated in groups with a gas compression zone in between.


Black holes equipped with a Fermion repelling horizon seem to be able to pair and stay concentrated in groups with a gas compression zone in between.
The “puffing up” of older galaxy or the expansion of the older galaxies with stellar halos, must be the result of the fast production of huge stars and medium sized supernova Black holes.
The stellar “sunspots” (micro cometary black holes) ejected during supernova explosions are supposed to be the origin of puffing up our present day Nebula in the form of Herbig Haro objects, the base for new open star clusters